1 cup all purpose flow
1 cup sugar
3/4 cup butter
1 pinch of baking soda
1 pinch baking powder
mix all the ingredients together very very well.
so well you mix them so crispy your biscts will be. Mix for about 10-15 minutes for good results.
spread on a even suface like a chapati or roti you do cut them into the shape you want with a cookie cuts.
bake them in oven at 300 for abot 30- 45 see in the middle so that they wont burn.
place the biscuts a part from each allowing enough space as they will spread another half of their size.
I did not have much photos as I stopped doing these long ago. will update them as early a possible.
when they are hot they looks like they are not done once they are cooled they will be tough enough to handle with.