Ingredients: 1 cup whole wheat. ( washed and soaked in water for 6-8 hours) 1-2 cups milk (whole milk preferred) 1-2 cups sugar (as per ur taste buds) Ghee or clarified butter 1/4 stick
1. Soak wheat in water untill they are soft and blend it into coarse paste and extract the milk out of it with the help of tea filter or cloth.
2. keep the wheat milk to a side with out disturbing
3. heat a wide pan and pour milk and sugar to it. Add the wheat milk and stir constinously. If the sweetness is not sufficient we can add it at the end.
4. stir continously untill it reached the thick consistancy make sure the sweetness is sufficient and turn off the heat.
5. pour into a plate which is oiled and cut into pices.
Note: This is very good for children and old people with no teeth. An healthy way to eat carbs.
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